the relation simply indicates that when there is a value in the order attribute in the orderedProduct table, and that same value appears in id in the order table, the two records are related.
you could also rest-expose orderedProduct.order, and just display that value, instead.
for your doctor table, are any of the attributes rest-exposed? the attributes that are listed don’t appear in the diagram you had shown, previously.
it is also possible that you either have a query in force (hit the “X” in the top right panel to clear it), or that there are no entities in the dataclass.
For example,
if i migrating from another database to Qodly
Import data into the Doctor Data Class and Appointment Data Class
Is there a way to connect the relationship after that?
It would be nice to have more information and a demo about Relation following the Doctor, patient, and appointment tutorials
I would like to understand this
We expect that it will be available quickly for general reservations and logistics systems