Auto Increment Field Value

How Do I set an account_number field in the ACCOUNT table to start at 15000 and increment by 10 everytime a new ACCOUNT record is created? I see a Min Value in the field’s properties panel but no way to set the increment by amount. Thanks.


Currently the Autosequence property allows to auto generate a number with an interval of 1.

When the Autosequence property is checked, the database fully controls the values of the attribute, thus the Min value has no sense and should not be enterable in this case (the Min value is enterable when Autosequence is checked, it is a bug).

Currently, to handle an interval of 10, you must implement it.

But here, you’ll see an interesting discussion about events.

With events, intial values can be set.

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It may be useful to add in future a starting with number and an increment amount for apps doing charts of accounts, checkbooks, etc. so recommend consideration. For now can implement though. Thanks for fast response.