Bug : text input component tend to conserve last manually entered value when clicked-in back

Text input component tend to conserve last manually entered value when clicked-in back even after reset of its linked datasource.

This very annoying behavior can equally be seen in the following PIQS demo QodlyDemo_Matrix_Datatable.

I can confirm that. Definitely a bug. I wondered if there was an error on my side, but this happens after creating a new entity staying in a data entry webform to quickly create several entities in a row.

Hello Jean,

Can you please precise the version of Qodly that you have?

Best regards.

I currently use 4D v20R2.100304 and Qodly v0.10.14

Hey Laviregen,

this bug was fixed. can you please try to update you Qodly’s version from the dashboard:

Let us know if the bug still persists in 0.14.3

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Thank’s for your response. I’m working with 4D/Qodly Studio not Qodly Cloud.

I update to 4D v20R3.100189 Qodly v0.14.1 and the input component work fine.

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