Race Condition with Rating Component


I’m running into an issue while using the qodly rating component that looks like a race condition.

I have a button that causes a navigation and executes a function that returns an entity selection:

When that button is pressed it navigates to a page with several identical matrices:

Each matrix is reading from the query_results variable that was populated by the button. Each panel in the matrix has a text input that is set to $This.Rating and a qodly rating component which is also set to $This.Rating.

When the button is pressed and the page with the matrices is navigated to, randomly and inconsistently the rating stars are correctly populated:

In this image, only the last matrix is correctly populated. Additionally, if the page only has one matrix, that rating stars are only sometimes populated. Any insight on how to fix this would be appreciated.


Hello Elliott !

Which Qodly version are you using?

Hi Fadwa!

I am using v0.40.2.