Can't get beta site to work

I logged into the beta site having verified my email and was presented with a screen with example apps. Before I started to investigate these interesting examples, I clicked on my account at the top right and when I returned to the main site, the page of examples had disappeared, and I can’t see or access the examples any more.

I now have a page with a sandbox pane showing one app (purple-reggae) and an empty applications pane. There are two buttons on this screen (New App and Create New App) both are greyed out and there is a message “Soon you will start building your business apps. Stay tuned!” See attached screen shot.

So, right now, I can’t use the beta in any meaningful way. Is the beta actually live? Am I waiting for some approval from Qodly? Or is my account not working?

Any help is appreciated.

Hello Adam!

That’s the main layout of the home page after creating a sandbox. If you click on that purple-reggae, you’ll get redirected to the app’s overview page, where you’ll be able to access the studio from there.

In the beta phase, you only have the possibility to create one sandbox at a time and navigate to it. If you want to test out another template, you’ll have to remove the one you have and recreate another one.

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Thanks Fadwa. That was the explanation.

Right now Qodly is not looking like a complete environment - demos are not very complete or designed to impress! May revisit in a few months.

I will add that I know it is a a beta but nothing here is making me think… yes.