Got booted and 404'd

i was just working on my project in studio in chrome. out of the blue i was unable to save.
i hit preview, and got 404’d

hitting refresh gave me

stopping/restarting server (development->general) does not fix preview, but i can get into studio and work on the project.

update: log has a couple of lines that might matter:

2024-01-27 14:15 2 2024-01-27T19:15:04.167 [4d-server.srvr] ERROR - [30] cannot create socket (task=448)
2024-01-27 14:15 1 2024-01-27T19:15:04.167 [4d-server.srvr] ERROR - [30] cannot create socket (task=448)

while Preview doesn’t work, in development->general, if i copy/paste the preview url and open it, the app works.

Hello Mikey!

Is this issue linked to the other one?

Hello Fadwa!
I don’t think so. This issue was from three weeks ago.