How to input from SELECT INPUT to entity

I have one question

I placed the entity for editing the matrix in the Web form

For instance
Inside the entity, there is an attribute named name
Use select input instead of text input
Select inputelement with the name of another data class (product list) and a list of attributes named
I want to use

For more information on the method you are thinking of now

  1. In the on load event of the Web form
  2. Create entity selection from Product data class
  3. Output of namelist(collection) from Entity selection
  4. Refer Namelist to datasource
    5.Select input to bind data source
    Is this the right way to go?

Or is there an easier way?

Hello Caos!

What’s your goal? You want only to get the name or all the record?

Here I want to learn how to bind from other data classes to select input using only name

Next, we’ll learn how to read the price associated with name at the same time

The technical challenges are:
I want to bind the list retrieved and read from the Data class with various components and input easily and accurately

I’d like to be able to do these things with low-code

There is another challenge

This is about the case of selecting from a list using Select input
If the number of entity selections is large, it will be difficult to select

One way to do this is to use the
Select input as a way to easily narrow down the

Add an attribute for the purpose of classification to the Entity
For instance

Attribute1. Classification 1
Attribute2. Classification 2

After selecting these two select inputs in turn,
Confirm with the final select input

This makes it possible to select from a small number of select inputs

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to iterate over the list of each select input and reload it

Hello Caos!

You can directly use the select box component and bind it with your selection and only display the name attribute, or bind your select box with a collection of objects having the name as a property (eg newCollection({name:“Product1”};{name:“Product2”};{name:“Product3”})) .

The binding with selection, same case with an array of objects:


Don’t forget, that you have the possibility to enable the search by attribute, to ease the selection when you have many entites


To be continued

I placed the Matrix and the text input of the entity that works with it
No.3 and No.5

I edited the name of the Entity to text input and placed a button to save it

I placed a Select box and bind a list of names from another data class

I would like to replace the entity called name of the Text input with a select box

Using a String variable, I created a function and connected it to the event of the element in the select box.
I can’t do it well

How in this case
In one Web Form, from another Entity Selection to the specified Entry, and then to the EntitySelction
Should I connect them?

We did well from No.1 to No.2

I can’t copy from string No.2 to name of entity No.3

The technical challenge is to select and input from a list to the attribute of the data table

It was a mistake in the data table, not the matrix

Organize the story

For the Select input component, bind it to the attribute of the entity of the specified datasource
And I want the element list to be bound to a list of different data sources to select

I want to make this work easy

Hello Caos!

If I got you right, you want to bind your selectbox with an entity selection of type dataClass_A and you want to store the selected element’s name in another entity of different type, say dataClass_B, then you can try copying the selected item attribute in your new entity’s name like so:

With productEntity as the selectedElement of the datatable.

  1. Data table for displaying Entity seelction

  2. A group of text inputs for editing Entity

  3. Mechanism for selecting input to Entity from a list and simplifying operation
    (Standard action for copying from entity1.attribute to entity2.attribute)

I understood that this standard function can be done almost no-code

In this article, we learned how to copy from Entity1.attribute to entity2.attribute

Thank you very much