Specifications of web applications developed with Qodly

I have one question

Access to the web application developed by Qodly, including the top page, is
Do I need an ID and password to log in?
Or is it possible for the guest to access it without logging in?
For instance
Guest allows you to browse the list of products without logging in.
Once you log in, you can make purchases.
Is it possible to use it like this?

Hello Caos,

For the moment, you should send an invitation to the users to get access to your application.

Again, I consulted with a close web developer.
If i have free access to the mode
If it is possible to create a general web site and issue your own domain
We expect the number of users to increase rapidly

Start as a general website creation tool
After that, if you move to web application development tools,
I can expect to see an increase in the number of users

I hope that you will give us some suggestions about future possibilities and plans

stop getting ahead of me, @caos. i’m not done with mine, yet. i don’t want you to be the first one done.

Let’s see

I’ve been waiting for a product like Qodly from 4D for 10 years

I look forward to its future evolution

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