How does Qodly relate to 4D

Now this looks very exciting.

I stumbled across the word Qodly when sniffing around the 4d v20R2 resources a few weeks ago. Did some Googling, but didn’t find too much other than a few references to 4D and web dev. Very exciting stuff.

I’m assuming that Qodly is a totally separate product line from 4D, like Wakanda? Or is it a 4D product more like 4D Web Studio?

Is it possible to use an existing 4D database as a starting point for a Qodly app?

It sure would be great if you could. I have a database that is in urgent need to heading into the cloud and this could be just the thing to make it happen.

Great news tho. I’m excited to start playing with Qodly and see what I can do with it

Hi Peter,

This week is a week full of surprises.
Checkout 4D’s blog to know more about 4D and Qodly.

The answer to your question is: both.
Qodly is a new product line, designed for web apps & cloud.
But you can also get your hands on Qodly Studio for 4D.

Using Qodly Studio with 4D, yes.
Qodly is designed for new apps.

Any thread related to 4D would be better in
We can discuss there your needs.


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Excellent. Looks like Qodly Studio is what I’m looking for.

I’ll head over to the 4D if I need more help.

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