How to creating a DataTable

I have one question

Creating a DataTable for DataSource and Selected Element
Connected entity and entityselection

Next, about the operation of placing attribute.
Even if i drag multiple entities from different attributes
Why can I place it with the same colums content

Hello Caos!

To create a datatable, you should :

1- Drag and drop it to your canvas,
2- Create an entity selection from the type you want to display it in your component, and then create an entity that will be your selected element in case you need it,
3- Bind the created datasources to your datatable,
4- Add columns to display the data: and to do so you can either drag and drop the attributes to the datatable, or go tho the properties panel and add the columns from there.

You can drag and drop multiple attributes of the datasource you binded with your datatable. That’s a normal behavior seeing them added once you drop them in your datatable.

Excuse me
I made a mistake in the way I communicated
Drag the same attribute from multiple entities of different types
But in column in compornent it will be the same property
Why is this?

Is it okay to drag from which entity attribute

Hey Caos,

do you have two different selections and one dataTable link to one of those selections. DnD work on both dataSource (selections) ?

Hey Caos,
I will declare it as a bug and let you know ASAP when it’s fixe.

Thank you for your response

Organize the story

The only attributes that can be dragged to the column of the Data table are those that belong to the selected element (entity) linked to the Datatable.

Is this the correct specification?

You can drag attribut from the selected Element or the selection linked to the dataTable. but you shouldn’t drag attribut from another dataSource not linked to DataTable

Entity selection in the Data source list linked to the Data table
When i mouse over the attribute in the canvas, the target part in the canvas changes to purple

However, even if the attribute in the unlinked entity selection changes, the target part in the canvas changes purple.
How about this

Hey Caos,
Thank you for your feedback. i will let you know ASAP as we fix it.