How to focus on a specified text input

I have one question

When you open a Web form, in the on load event, or in the
When any button is pressed, focus is set to the specified text input.
Is it possible to guess?

For example, when entering Barcode or QRCODE data from a USB port

Hello Caos,

Maybe it is possible to set the input text by using CSS, but can you give us more details about your case?

one way to do this would be to embed a wedge sequence/prefix into the scanner, if qodly supported shortcuts. then, that would trigger a button or other object, which would give focus to the field.
that’s the way we do it in 4d.

When focusing on the specified input text
General examples
Similar to the functions that 4D already has:
When i need to specify the order of inputs to multiple input texts in entity

Specific example 1
Connect a USB barcode scanner
Identify product codes for inventory and products sold
When repeating the call to the specified input text

Input text specified in entitty

Input text in the matrix specified in the entity selection (assumed)

Entry and exit of work management, entry and exit of gyms and rental rooms
On a dedicated PC for these purposes, create a personal card with a barcode printed on it.
One or two input texts prepared for entry and exit,
If i want to control focus repeatedly and automatically

For work records
Using multiple cards printed with barcodes that identify the work content, location, etc.
When i want to focus the specified input text repeatedly

For the management of learning acquisition
If i want to print and scan a unique QR code for each designated learning page

If i don’t use the scanner function and do it on the QWODLY side
(Thank you for your advice, mikey)

That’s what I’m thinking about right now

Thanks for the clarification, we’ll create a feature request for this one.

At least
Text input initial focus in On load event
The order of other text input inputs after that
Once you know these two methods, the rest is on the device side such as a scanner
I feel like I can handle